Hi, my name is Robel. I was originally born in Ethiopia but I have been living here in the United States since 2005. I lived in Atlanta, Georgia for a couple of years, before moving here to Raleigh, North… Continue Reading →
My blog has complemented the formal writing I’ve done this semester by acting as a form of self-reflection and a tool I can use to expand on the things I learned after the completion of assignments. Unfortunately, metacognitive assignments did… Continue Reading →
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/12/us/college-admissions-cheating-scandal.html?action=click&module=inline&pgtype=Homepage The article I choose to analyze, “Actresses, Business Leaders and Other Wealthy Parents Charged in U.S. College Entry Fraud,” is The New York Times’ report on the largest college admission scandal in the history of the United States. The… Continue Reading →
Immigrant Beginnings When my family and I first moved to the United States in 2005, I was about five or six years old. Having only lived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for those preliminary years of my life, I surprisingly recall… Continue Reading →
By comparing my own, personal observations as being a first generation, immigrant college student, to those of others, I realized that obviously, others experiences won’t be exactly the same as mine, but some trends that occur are very relatable to… Continue Reading →
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